Finding Your Groove

Get Unstuck and Rediscover Your Own Professional Passion and Calling

It’s common in life and in our careers to get stuck and lose our passion once in awhile. Sometimes you just don’t “feel it” anymore in your chosen career. At LLJ we don’t see this as a bad thing, in fact, we see it as a tremendous opportunity. So whether you’ve lost your job, lost your passion, or you just can’t find the groove anymore, let us help you get back on track. We’ve worked with literally hundreds of people over the years and have helped them rediscover what it means to thrive again.

How do we do it?

Finding Your Groove is a three hour process that utilizes:

ProScan Comprehensive Personality Assessment

Motivational Appraisal Personal Potential Assessment

Professional Coaching (Passion, Gifts, and Ultimate Contribution)

How much does it cost?

The all-­inclusive price for assessments, comprehensive reports, and three full hours of professional coaching is $895. We believe that this is a great first step to helping you find your groove again. Most people sign on for a few additional months of coaching so we can help you develop a solid transition plan. We’d love to help!