Finding Your Style
Leadership and Team Building Concepts for You and Your Team
You’ve read books, attended classes, workshops, seminars, and conferences. Most of what you’ve been taught so far is what we call “classical” leadership and team building. Thankfully there are so many great leadership gurus who’ve gone before us and taught us so much. But have you ever finished one of those books or seminars, followed all your notes, tried everything they taught you, only to discover that some things didn’t work in your context? This is where we come in. What if you could add another “nontraditional” tool to your leadership and team building tool belt?
At LLJ we offer next level classes, workshops, seminars, and conferences that are dynamic, creative, and constantly moving so you and your team can play leadership in a brand new key. It’s fun and it works. Learn about risk taking, listening, collaboration, awareness, and sensitivity. See how these foundational pieces open the door to greater effectiveness.
As we teach you how to Lead Like Jazz, or as we coach you and use these concepts to bring the best out of you, you will discover the magical synergy that comes when “what you already know” meets this “new way of thinking”. The classical leader inside of you will go to a new level of effectiveness as you begin to live and Lead Like Jazz.